Making Scripture Relevant to Modern Readers
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Dr. Tzemah Yoreh established himself as a first- rate scholar with his first book, The First Book of God… his second book Jacob's Journey… is an original and illuminating book and a very significant contribution to biblical scholarship.

Professor Israel Knohl, Yehezkel Kaufmann Chair of biblical studies,The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, author, Sanctuary of Silence: The Priestly Torah and the Holiness School, Eisenbrauns, 2007.

Tzemah Yoreh has provided a clear and fascinating look into the world of biblical criticism.… it allows us laypeople a clear understanding of the complexity, richness and historicity of the biblical text in its various layers. Biblical stories will never look the same after reading Jacob's Journey.

Dr. Rabbi Richie Lewis, Senior Lecturer, Hartman Institute, Head of the Conservative Yeshiva, Jerusalem

One need not be a Biblical scholar to appreciate the originality of Tzemah Yoreh’s work. Put all of your prior assumptions aside about the Biblical narrative and enjoy how the book peels back layer upon layer and yet continues to honor the place of the Bible in the history of western civilization.

Rabbi Sid Schwarz, Senior Fellow, Clal: The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership; author, Judaism and Justice: The Jewish Passion to Repair the World, Jewish Lights, 2006.

Yoreh is a brilliant young scholar. I fully expect him to rock the field of biblical studies in the coming decades...[Tzemah] clearly engages the traditional texts at all levels. That’s because (if you ask me) he is a poet. Poets are vulnerable readers. They get hurt by texts. They find healing in texts. In their own work, they both hurt and heal. ….I would rather read a Hebrew text with Tzemah than with most anyone else. We read it on all the same levels

John Hobbins, United Methodist Pastor, Author of the blog: Ancient Hebrew Poetry
About Modern Scriptures
Teasing apart the layers of the text, Yoreh offers a fascinating window into this seminal story as it developed over time. Yoreh is a consummate scholar with a subtle and nuanced feel for the text, and his insights are at once breathtakingly original and thoroughly grounded in biblical scholarship and methodology. Whether you are a novice approaching this text for the first time or a biblical scholar in your own right, Yoreh is guaranteed to open your eyes to new and shocking ways of seeing and understanding this story!

Prof. David Brodsky, Professor of Ancient Judaism, CUNY, Author of: A Bride without a Blessing: A Study in the Redaction and Content of Massekhet Kallah and Its Gemara. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006.